
Stormweaver 1 & 2 - Paperbacks & Signed Hardcovers

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Books 1 & 2 of Bryce O'Connor's bestselling 'Warformed: Stormweaver' series in amazing hardcover and paperback for the first time!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Signature Page Signing has commenced!
15 days ago – Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 06:26:17 AM

Hi Everyone!

Quick update for y'all today, but we've locked Bryce in a well-ventilated room with a bunch of Sharpies to start signing the sheets we showed off in our last couple of updates! It will likely take a few sessions to get all of them signed, but once they're all done we'll get them sent back to the printer for the print runs to start in full, so stay tuned as we get closer to that!

In the meantime, here are some pictures of the signing!

A Glance at the Other Signature Pages...
about 1 month ago – Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 10:53:50 AM

Hi everyone!

As we promised last week, here's a look at the signature pages for Fire & Song!

Once all the signatures are done— between both books, the rest of the bookmarks, and Patreon exclusive rewards— Bryce will have signed his name over 10,000 times! Wish him luck!

Signature Pages Have Arrived!
about 1 month ago – Wed, Aug 21, 2024 at 12:55:41 PM

Hi Everyone!

New publishing update for y'all! Just this afternoon we received the signature sheets for all of the books! In addition to all the other signing that Bryce has done so far, he will be putting his signature on each and every one of these pages!

These ones look a little different because they haven't been cut yet, so Bryce will need to sign one side and then the other. Once all those are done, he'll move to the other sheets which (we'll share pictures of next week). And then, with the sheets for both books done, we'll return them to the printer for binding!

IMPORTANT: Cloth Binding for Edge Editions are Not Viable
2 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 06:00:30 AM

Hey guys! Important update for those of you waiting on Wraithmarked deluxe or Edge editions.

A previous printer of ours (not our current printer) had gone to lengths to assure us that our detailed (and usually full-color) illustrations would print well on cloth. Unfortunately we carried this belief over when moving to our current printer and failed to verify with them if that was the case, and as it turns out those promises from the previous printer were (in our opinion) extremely overstated, which we discovered in our recent proofs of THE WAR OF THE WORLDS.

Please take a look below at the comparison of what the art should have looked like versus what it does look like printed on cloth.

We are showing you this to highlight our reasoning behind an important choice we have made moving forward: Starting now, Wraithmarked is moving away from cloth printing on the majority of our other deluxe/Edge editions in favor of high-quality paper (there will be some limited exceptions, like LEGENDS & LATTES, where the art works well on cloth), including projects we have currently in the production pipelines. In the interest of transparency, we’d also like to acknowledge that this means slightly cheaper production costs for Wraithmarked, but not as much as you think. We’re talking about pennies cheaper at the quantities we are printing, not dollars.

Regardless, you have our apologies for the failure to verify that cloth would work with these products, resulting in us moving away from cloth-binding in most of our projects moving forward.

If you have any questions, let us know in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Bookmark Signing! And a cool campaign shoutout!
3 months ago – Fri, Jul 05, 2024 at 09:10:10 AM

Hi Everyone!

A little over a week ago, we had Bryce set aside an afternoon to sign as many bookmarks as he could! We managed to get a little past the halfway point, but with the rest of the bookmarks, then the signature pages for all of the books there's a lot more to go!

Still, we took some pictures (and a really satisfying video) of the chaos that we wanted to share with y'all!

As for that super satisfying video, here you go!

OMG. We love this so much...

For fans of spooky folklore and fairytales, check out The Yarnsworld Library!

A collection of folklore-inspired dark fantasy adventures!

Cover Art by Jenny Zemanek

With cover art by Jenny Zemanek and case designs by Rachel St. Clair these books are sure to be gorgeous additions to anyone's collection! What's more, they're even offering some great Add-Ons, like eBooks, paperback editions, and wooden bookmarks that are based on the case designs!

Case design by Rachel St. Clair
Wooden Bookmarks Based on the Case Designs