
Stormweaver 1 & 2 - Paperbacks & Signed Hardcovers

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Books 1 & 2 of Bryce O'Connor's bestselling 'Warformed: Stormweaver' series in amazing hardcover and paperback for the first time!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fire and Song Signature Pages are Done!
3 months ago – Thu, Jun 20, 2024 at 09:27:20 AM

Hi, everyone!

Following up on our last update, the signature page designs for Fire and Song have been completed, and just like the design for Iron Prince, these ones look excellent! Take a look!

Iron Prince Signature Page Design is Complete!
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 12:32:37 PM

Hi Everyone!

Our designer just wrapped up the design for the Iron Prince signature pages and they look pretty awesome! Take a look!

We should be getting the Fire and Song signature pages from our designer soon, so we'll be sure to share those as well!

What's a Signature Sheet?

Once the designs are finalized for production, our printer will print these off way in advance and ship them to the author to be signed by hand. Once they're done the signed pages are sent back and bound into the front of the book.

Getting Final Order Quantities in place!
4 months ago – Tue, May 28, 2024 at 08:04:57 AM

Hey, everyone! 

Coming back from the long weekend here in the US, we're hitting the ground running by getting the final order count for this campaign ready once our pre-press process is done.

As you can probably imagine, it's not as straightforward as picking the number of people who backed each tier. Not only are there 3 different versions of 2 separate books, but we also need to account for Add-Ons, Late Pledges, replacement copies, and extra stock for future Stormweaver campaigns (where applicable).

So, sometimes, we gotta pull out the ol' abacus and do some maths.

More updates to come as we continue working on this campaign!

A Quick Check In
5 months ago – Wed, May 15, 2024 at 12:00:31 PM

Howdy all!

We're working on getting the covers and interiors finalized for print, but don't have much else to report this update. There is a possibility that we may have a screenshot of the signature pages to share in an update or two so stay tuned for that!

Griffin Pins Have Arrived!
5 months ago – Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 06:56:04 AM

Howdy, all!

Quick, fun update for everyone today! Just the other day we got the numbered Galens Griffin pins in and we couldn't be happier with them! :)