
Stormweaver 1 & 2 - Paperbacks & Signed Hardcovers

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Books 1 & 2 of Bryce O'Connor's bestselling 'Warformed: Stormweaver' series in amazing hardcover and paperback for the first time!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Remaining Surveys Going Out!
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 16, 2024 at 05:12:37 AM

Howdy, all!

The smoke test over the last couple of days was successful so we'll be sending the remaining surveys out this morning. It may take a little bit for Backerkit to process them, so we appreciate your patience! On Monday, the 7th, we will start processing charges for any additional add-ons you may grab.

Just to reiterate a couple of the tips from our last update, if you don't see your invite email show up by the end of the day today, please take a look at the following:

  • Spam Folder: Survey emails can occasionally find their way to your spam folder. If you don't see anything come through from Backerkit check your spam folder first.
  • Apple ID Email Addresses: If the email address tied to your Kickstarter account is a secure Apple ID address, the survey email may be blocked entirely. The email addresses look something like this:  "[email protected]".  If you're not seeing the email from Backerkit, check to see if your email looks like one of these. If it does, we recommend that you first change that email in Kickstarter so you avoid any future issues.
  • Once you've checked both of those things send us a message here or send an email to [email protected] to let us know what your updated email address is.

Going Forward

Here is what you can expect in the coming months as we work on fulfilling this project.

  • First, please remember that we operate on a 12-14 month production and fulfillment schedule. 
  • As we get all of the products made, you can expect to see an update from us at least twice a month. So stay tuned here for all the latest!
  • Once we have the products and are ready to start fulfillment, we will post an update and send an email giving everyone 48 hours to update their addresses if needed. Once that window closes, you will not be able to update your address yourself and will need to contact us directly to make those changes.
  • With addresses locked, we will start packing and shipping. This final step will take some time. We appreciate your patience. ❤️

First batch of surveys going out!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 12, 2024 at 05:41:44 AM

Hi Everyone!

We're just about ready to start sending out surveys, but the last piece of that process is what's called a smoke test. To do this, we send out surveys to about 5% of backers to make sure everything in Backerkit is working as it should and that we haven't broken anything. We'll be conducting this test over the next 24-48 hours. If everything goes well, you can expect the rest of the surveys to go out by the end of this week at the latest.

While we do that, here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Spam Folder: Survey emails can occasionally find their way to your spam folder. Once we announce that all surveys have gone out, if you don't see anything come through from Backerkit check your spam folder first.
  • Apple ID Email Addresses: If the email address tied to your Kickstarter account is a secure Apple ID address, the survey email may be blocked entirely. The email addresses look something like this: "[email protected]". Again, once all surveys go out, if you're not seeing the email from Backerkit, check to see if your email looks like one of these. If it does, we recommend that you first change that email in Kickstarter so you avoid any future issues. 
  • If you're running into issues and you need help or assistance, you can contact us here on Kickstarter or send us a message via our customer support email: [email protected].

That's a Wrap!
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 03:08:47 PM

Hey everyone!

It's been an incredible few weeks with y'all, and we could not be more floored at the final results of the campaign (Bryce most of all)! More than $229,000! We can scarcely believe it! Thank you all, so much!


Now with the campaign done, here is what you can expect in the coming weeks and months.

  • First, Kickstarter will process all of your payments. That will take approximately 15 days.
  • Once the payments have been processed, we will send out surveys to the email addresses you have attached to your Kickstarter account.
  •  Answer your survey questions and grab any extra Add-Ons you want. We will process charges for those orders a couple of days after the surveys go out.
  •  As we get all of the products made, you can expect to see an update from us at least twice a month. So stay tuned here for all the latest!
  •  Once we have the products and are ready to start fulfillment, we will post an update and send an email giving everyone 48 hours to update their addresses if needed. Once that window closes, you will not be able to update your address yourself and will need to contact us directly to make those changes.
  • With addresses locked, we will start packing and shipping. This final step will take some time. We appreciate your patience. ❤️

Please be aware that the times mentioned above are estimates. We try to stick to them as much as possible but sometimes it takes an extra day or two to move on to the next phase of the process.

Cradle is getting an animation AAAHHHHH!
9 months ago – Tue, Dec 19, 2023 at 11:37:10 AM

Title says it! In case you missed it, Will just announced yesterday they're gonna run a campaign to help raise money for an animation (kind to be decided on by funding)!

You can sign up for the pre-launch campaign HERE. And check out the announcement video HERE.

$150,000 Stretch Goal Reached!!!!
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 11:46:27 AM

Howdy, all!!!!

This is pretty awesome! Roughly one week after launching this campaign, y'all have helped us blow past our first three stretch goals! Today, we crossed the $150,000 mark, which means Bryce is going to be signing each and every Iron Prince and Fire and Song bookmark before they get shipped out! (Ouch!) 

So be sure to grab some extras!

Next Up...

With the $150k stretch goal passed, our final planned stretch goal is at $250,000. When we get there, everyone who backed one of the named tiers will also get a Galens Institute Griffin sticker included with their order!

Sticker Mockup