
Stormweaver 1 & 2 - Paperbacks & Signed Hardcovers

Created by Wraithmarked Creative

Books 1 & 2 of Bryce O'Connor's bestselling 'Warformed: Stormweaver' series in amazing hardcover and paperback for the first time!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

$100k stretch goal passed!
10 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 07:05:10 AM

Holy cow, everyone!

Can you hear this gif? Because we can.

Sometime between 9 and 10pm Eastern last night, y'all helped us cross the $100k stretch goal! Now in addition to the higher quality paper of the first $50k stretch goal, each hardcover will include a second, custom-illustrated endsheet from ExCharny. Between the two books that will be a total of four art pieces!

We only shared one of the endsheets on the campaign page, but let's take a look at the other one we have!

Second Endhseet Art Piece by ExCharny.

Needless to say, once we have the next two pieces, we'll share them in a future update!

Now onward to the next stretch goal!

At $150k, Bryce will further commit to his impending repetitive stress injury by signing each of the bookmarks in addition to the books themselves. We're already well on our way, but let's see how quickly we can get there!

Funded, First Stretch Goal, and a Correction!
10 months ago – Tue, Dec 05, 2023 at 08:16:31 AM

This campaign has successfully reached its funding goal!

Thank you so much, everyone! You helped us reach our goal of $25,000 in no time at all, and we've barely been able to keep up! Bryce is doing a little happy dance somewhere out there at this very moment!

What's more, we've reached our first stretch goal!

In addition to funding, we've crossed the threshold for our first stretch goal at $50,000. Because of that, now all of the books we print, be it paperback, hardcover, or edge edition will be printed on thicker paper for an even more high-quality product! 

Next up, at $100,000 we'll be getting a second custom-illustrated end sheet for each hardcover, and we're well on our way there! So let's see how fast we can cross that one off the list!

A pledge-level correction

Before launching any of our campaigns, we comb through everything several times over to make sure everything is where it should be. That said, we still mess up sometimes. In this case, we made a mistake on the Paperback Bundle Add-On, shown below. 


As you can see, even though it's the paperback bundle, the items associated with the Add-On are the hardcovers. The tier description specifies that it includes the paperbacks though (shown below), so that's what you can expect to receive if you back this Add-On. There's nothing we can do about the listing now, but we'll correct this later on Backerkit before surveys go out!